Auto Accidents
We can help you to file and pursue your claim with your own insurance company and to litigate against the other party’s insurer. It is the job of insurance company lawyers to find weaknesses in claims even when the claims seem indisputable. You need an auto accident attorney who is familiar with those lawyers’ tactics and is prepared to take your case all the way to trial if necessary.
Contract Disputes
In the event of a contract disagreement, good business sense dictates efforts toward a mutually agreeable compromise. Of course, agreement is not always possible, even between two reasonable parties. Then, you need the counsel of an experienced contract dispute attorney.
Insurance Claims
It is frustrating for policyholders to have an insurance claim denied. After suffering a personal or business loss, the last thing you should have to worry about is having a claim denied, especially when you have done the responsible thing by maintaining an insurance policy and diligently paying premiums. Unfortunately, the simple fact is that your financial interests and the financial interests of the insurance company are at odds.
Offshore Injuries
If you have been injured in an offshore accident while working on an oil rig or while involved in other field-related tasks, it is important to consult an attorney as soon as possible to determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. Unique legal issues arise from offshore accidents, and you need an attorney with specific knowledge and experience.
Oil and Gas Disputes
Oil and gas exploration and production is a high-stakes business that often involves complex contracts among many parties, including landowners and drilling companies. When things do not go as planned, disputes often arise over the terms of leases and liability for damages. To protect your rights, you need a law firm with experience in oil and gas disputes.
Oil Rig Injuries
Oil and gas workers have a dangerous job. On more than 4,000 oil rigs and platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, workers are asked to tackle physically demanding tasks under often-dangerous conditions. The fatality and injury rate for oil rig workers is much higher than average rates in other industries.
Personal Injury
The attorneys at the LaGarde Law Firm have years of successful experience representing hundreds of individuals in personal injury cases. Our attorneys have won large verdicts and settlements for our clients in cases involving automobile and truck accidents, oilfield injuries, defective products and other types of personal injury.
Truck Accidents
Millions of large trucks and tractor-trailers travel U.S. roads and highways every day. When these heavy vehicles collide with smaller, lighter passenger vehicles, the results are often catastrophic, especially when the trucks are fully loaded. In addition to severe injury and possible death, victims may lose wages due to missed work and suffer extreme pain and emotional distress.
Wrongful Death
When a person is killed in an accident through the fault of another, surviving family members may file a lawsuit to gain compensation for their loss. The attorneys at the LaGarde Law Firm are highly experienced in wrongful death claims. When you speak to us about your situation, we can advise you of your rights and take any appropriate legal action on your behalf.